

Venken, M., Kaisto, V., & Brambilla, C. 2021. Children, young people and borders: A multidisciplinary outlook.
Journal of Borderlands Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/08865655.2021.1898447


Kaisto, V. & Wells, C. 2020. Mental mapping as a method for studying borders and bordering in young people’s territorial identifications. Journal of Borderlands Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/08865655.2020.1719864


Kaisto, V. 2019. Lasten alueelliset mielikuvat ja identiteetit muutoksessa Suomen ja Venäjän raja-alueella. Versus Journal. https://www.versuslehti.fi/tiededebatti/lasten-alueelliset-mielikuvat-ja-identiteetit-muutoksessa-suomen-ja-venajan-raja-alueella/

Kaisto, V. & Brednikova, O. 2019. Lakes, presidents and shopping on mental maps: children’s perceptions of the Finnish-Russian border and the borderland. Fennia 197(1): 58–76. https://doi.org/10.11143/fennia.73208


Makkonen, T., Williams, A., Weidenfeld, A., & Kaisto, V. 2018. Cross-border knowledge transfer and innovation in the European neighbourhood: Tourism cooperation at the Finnish-Russian border. Tourism Management 68: 140–151. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2018.03.008

Kaisto, V. 2018. From European Union to everyday neighborhood in border studies? A conceptual analysis. Cross-Border Review 2017: 139–152. Esztergom, Unkari: European Institute of Cross-Border Studies. http://institute.cesci-net.eu/en/crossborder-review-2017

Kaisto, Virpi. 2018. Kirja-arvostelu ”Rajaseudun historiaa ihmisnäkökulmasta.” Idäntutkimus 25(1): 86–87. https://journal.fi/idantutkimus/article/view/70777/32266


Kaisto, V. 2017. City Twinning from a grassroots perspective: Introducing a spatial framework to the study of twin cities. Journal of Borderlands Studies 32(4): 459–475. https://doi.org/10.1080/08865655.2016.1238315

Kaisto, V. 2017. Cross-border areas facing Europe’s crises: Problems in measuring territorial development with statistical data and analyses. Cross-Border Review 2016: 65–83. Esztergom, Unkari: European Institute of Cross-Border Studies. http://institute.cesci-net.eu/en/crossborder-review-2016


Kaisto, V. 2016. Territorial development of European cross-border areas from the perspective of statistical data and analyses. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences 6 Special Issue 2: 75–91. http://www.ijceas.com/index.php/ijceas/article/view/117

Kaisto, Virpi. 2016. Kirja-arvostelu “The EU-Russia borderland: New contexts for regional cooperation.” The Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland 11: 106–109. http://crossborder.ie/site2015/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/CCBS-JOURNAL-2016.pdf


Koskelo, K. & Kaisto, V. 2015. Verkkopohjaista tiedekasvatusoppimateriaalia rakentamassa – synteesin luominen sisällön, pedagogiikan ja teknologian (TPACK) välille. Kasvatus & Aika 1/2015. https://journal.fi/kasvatusjaaika/article/view/68509


Kaisto, V., Brednikova, O., & Malkki, H. 2014. Cross-border citizen scientists. A model for science education in border areas. Lappeenranta: Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto. https://lutpub.lut.fi/handle/10024/98796


Németh, S., Németh, Á., & Kaisto, V. 2013. Research design for studying development in border areas: case studies towards the big picture? Belgeo 2013-1. https://belgeo.revues.org/10582

Feliu, E., Tapia, C., Viloria, I., Zaldua, M., Jung, W., Engelke, D., Putlitz, A., Brester, B., Sylaios, G., Gaidajis, G., Kokkos, N., Castro, E., Wolf, J., Kaisto, V., Chilla, T., & Jaeger, S. 2013. ULYSSES – Using applied research results from ESPON as a yardstick for cross-border spatial development planning. Final Report-Executive Summary and Main Report. https://www.espon.eu/programme/projects/espon-2013/targeted-analyses/ulysses-using-applied-research-results-espon

Kaisto, V. 2013. ULYSSES – Using applied research results from ESPON as a yardstick for cross-border spatial development planning. Final Report – Case study Eastern and Northern Finland – Russia cross-border area (Euregio Karelia). https://www.espon.eu/programme/projects/espon-2013/targeted-analyses/ulysses-using-applied-research-results-espon

Kaisto, V. 2013. ULYSSES – Using applied research results from ESPON as a yardstick for cross-border spatial development planning. Final Report – Case study Poland–Germany–Sweden cross-border area (Euroregion Pomerania). https://www.espon.eu/programme/projects/espon-2013/targeted-analyses/ulysses-using-applied-research-results-espon


Kaisto, V. 2012. An actor’s perspective to the Cold War Finnish–Soviet trade. Teoksessa O. Mertelsmann & K. Piirimäe (toim.), The Baltic Sea Region and the Cold War (205–222). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH.

Kaisto, V. 2012. Kaksoiskaupungin tarina. Teoksessa M. Lähteenmäki & J. Karhu (toim.), Moniääninen Imatra (145–178). Imatra: Imatran kaupunki.


Kaisto, V., & Nartova, N. 2008. Imatra–Svetogorsk-kaksoiskaupunki. Asennebarometri 2007. [Imatra–Svetogorsk twin city. Attitude barometer 2007] Lappeenranta: Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto. https://lutpub.lut.fi/handle/10024/37348